Monday, June 25, 2012

Just Imagine...

John Lennon encouraged us to, "Imagine there's no heaven; it isn't hard to do."  Now, I'm gong to have to disagree.  It is hard to imagine a thing, if that thing is different from what you've been taught your whole life.  Flashback with me for a second to high school, when I thought myself completely obese, when in fact I had a rockin' body.  It's just that I was a muscled machine from summers on the farm, and the "in" chick then was Kate Moss.  So, yeah.

In my head, and in the mirror, I added 100 pounds to perceive myself as completely different from what I was.  The body I saw then, is the body I have now.  Ironic?  Or just imagery at work.  There's an author called Shakti Gawain, whose book Creative Visualization I bought ages ago.  It's a little book, and very inexpensive.  I absolutely recommend it to everyone, no matter what you seek in life.  I struggle still to put visualization practices into play on a regular basis.  It's a strange thing to do, sit still and imagine what you want, and stranger yet to write these things on paper, but there must be something to it, or legions of people throughout history wouldn't have touted the practice as a means of achieving everything you want in life.  Or everything you are afraid of.  It's all about what you put your mind to.

So, I will renew this practice in my life, starting with this:

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